Union of Republics

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General Council

Welcome to the General Council, where your voice can be heard. 

The General Assembly is the main body of the General Council(GC) any nation's government representative can submit resolutions to the GC as long as they follow the submission rules of compliance which will be posted on another page here on the website for the GC.

Remember to check back here weekly to be up to date on passed and failed GC Resolutions a link will be posted on the region home page to make it easier to check on current resolutions. 

This organization creates laws that all nations have to follow, but all member nations have full jurisdiction over their own nation, but their laws must comply with the inter-regional laws proposed to the General Council. 

All nations have a General Council Representative. All nations reps can submit a new General Council Resolution(GCResolution), General Council Commend/Condemn Resolution(GCC) to be voted on by the members of this region if it has more "Yea" votes then it's passed and made an international law for the world or the nation is Commended or Condemned.

All nation reps must respect the Council President, because if you have any problems or questions the Council President is the one to help you.  The Council President also has the ability to veto a resolution from the voting floor, but they only have two vetos once they use both of them they have to wait three months to get two more. They only get two they will not be getting two every three months if they haven't used their two and three months passes they don't get two more. A resolution cannot be passed to give them more vetos. 

This is dedicated to role playing and realism, but remember to have fun. 


Regional Announcements

As soon as more people join the region we will be holding a region wide election where committee positions will be up for grabs including the Chairman of the GC Advisory Committee a very important job as that nation leads the committee to approve GCResolutions and GCCs. The Commend/ Condemn Committee is chosen by the Chairman of the Advisory Committee and confirmed by the Regional Court of Justice which each of those positions will be up for grabs in the regional elections.


Election Order 

Advisory Committee

Court of Justice

The Confirmation hearing for the Commend/Condemn Committee